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Hogyan keressen könyveket a könyvtári adatbázisban?

- A könyvtár online katalógusában keresse meg a dokumentumot az ismert adatok alapján: pontos szerzői név és cím.
- Amennyiben könyvtárunk adatbázisában megtalálta, amit keresett, jelölje ki, és a részletekre kattintva nézze meg a mű státuszát: itt láthatja, hogy az adott könyv kölcsönözhető-e vagy sem, valamint jegyezze fel a helyrajzi számát, amely alapján a polcokon visszakereshető a kiadvány. A kölcsönözhető művek a raktárban találhatóak és a könyvtárostól kell kérni azokat a helyrajzi szám megadásával.
- Amennyiben a dokumentum nem található meg a könyvtár adatbázisában: nem szerepel állományunkban. Kérje a könyvtáros segítségét!

-    A könyvtár online katalógusában keressen rá a szerzőre, címre vagy böngésszen címre, szerzőre vagy ezen adatok egy részletére. 
-    Böngészéskor elég a szerző nevének vagy a mű címének első betűit megadni, hogy megkapjuk az adott betűvel kezdődő valamennyi szerzői nevet vagy műcímet. Ha a kapott találati lista eredményei között megtalálta, amit keresett vagy talált olyan irodalmat, mely megfelelő, jelölje ki, és a részletekre kattintva nézze meg a mű státuszát: itt láthatja, hogy az adott könyv kölcsönözhető-e vagy sem, valamint jegyezze fel a helyrajzi számát, amely alapján a polcokon visszakereshető a kiadvány. A kölcsönözhető művek a raktárban találhatóak és a könyvtárosoktól kell kérni azokat a helyrajzi szám megadásával.
-    Amennyiben a dokumentum nem található meg a könyvtár adatbázisában: nem szerepel állományunkban. Kérje a könyvtáros segítségét!

-    A könyvtár online katalógusában keressen rá vagy böngésszen olyan fogalomra, amely megfelel a keresett témakörnek. Igyekezzen a témát egyetlen szóban megfogalmazni. Ha a kapott találati lista eredményei között megtalálta, amit keresett vagy talált olyan irodalmat, mely megfelelő, jelölje ki, és a részletekre kattintva nézze meg a mű státuszát: itt láthatja, hogy az adott könyv kölcsönözhető-e vagy sem, valamint jegyezze fel a helyrajzi számát, amely alapján a polcokon visszakereshető a kiadvány. A kölcsönözhető művek a raktárban találhatóak és a könyvtárosoktól kell kérni azokat a helyrajzi szám megadásával.
-    A keresőkérdés ellenőrzése után próbálja újra a keresést vagy kérjen segítséget a könyvtárostól! Amennyiben a dokumentum nem található meg a könyvtár adatbázisában: nem szerepel állományunkban. 

  • olvasótermi könyvek
  • kéziratok
  • szakdolgozatok
  • jegyzetek, kották
  • időszaki kiadványok
  • 1850 előtt kiadott könyvek
  • elektronikus dokumentumok

Hogyan keressen folyóiratokat, cikkeket a könyvtári adatbázisban?

-    A könyvtár online katalógusában keresse meg a folyóiratot az ismert adatok alapján: cím, évszám…
-    Amennyiben könyvtárunk adatbázisában megtalálható a keresett folyóirat, kérje az Önnek megfelelő számot a könyvtárostól a számozási adatok megadásával.
-    Amennyiben a folyóirat nem található meg a könyvtár adatbázisában: nem szerepel állományunkban. Kérjen segítséget a könyvtárostól!

a cikkekről fénymásolat készíthető.

-    A könyvtár online katalógusában keressen rá az ismert adatok alapján a szerzőre, a cikk címére.
-    Amennyiben könyvtárunk adatbázisában megtalálta a keresett – vagy Önnek megfelelő – cikket vagy folyóiratot, jelölje ki és nézze meg a cikk adatait: a publikációt tartalmazó folyóirat nevét, évfolyamát, számozását, évszámát, terjedelmét. Például: In: Teológia 46. 1-2. (2012) p. 1-14. A folyóiratok régebbi számai a raktárban találhatóak, a könyvtárostól kell kérni a folyóiratcím, évszám és számadat megadásával.
-    Amennyiben a keresett cikk nem található meg a könyvtár adatbázisában: nem szerepel állományunkban. Kérjen segítséget a könyvtárostól!

-    Keressen vagy böngésszen a katalógus cikkeinek címeiben egy szóra, a keresendő téma egy releváns fogalmára. Amennyiben a kapott találati lista eredményei között megtalálta a keresett – vagy Önnek megfelelő – cikket vagy folyóiratot, jelölje ki és nézze meg a cikk adatait: a publikációt tartalmazó folyóirat nevét, évfolyamát, számozását, évszámát, terjedelmét. Például: In: Teológia 46. 1-2. (2012) p. 1-14. A folyóiratok régebbi számai a raktárban találhatóak, a könyvtárostól kell kérni a folyóiratcím, évszám és számadat megadásával.
-    Amennyiben nem találta meg, amit keresett, a keresőkérdés ellenőrzése, módosítása után próbálja újra a keresést vagy kérjen segítséget a könyvtárostól!

Hogyan kutathatok a könyvtár muzeális gyűjteményében?

-    Kutatás a könyvtár olvasótermében folytatható.
-    Kutatásnak minősül minden tudományos vizsgálat, adatgyűjtés.
-    Egy kutatási alkalom maximum 5 munkanap – ezt meghaladó munka újabb kutatásnak minősül, újabb engedély kérése kötelező. A kutatási engedélyt minden esetben írásban kell kérni.
-    A kutatási engedély tartalmazza a kutató személyes adatait, a kutatás tárgyát, célját és időtartamát. A kutatni kívánt gyűjtemény megnevezését, a dokumentumok raktári jelzetét.
-    Előzetesen egyeztetett időpontra a könyvtárosok előkészítik a kért kutatási anyagot.
-    Muzeális gyűjteményi dokumentumokból – állományvédelmi okokból – fénymásolatot nem készítünk! Fotómásolat igényelhető – indokolt esetben – kizárólag igazgatói hozzájárulással!
-    Kölcsönzésre semmilyen körülmények között nincs lehetőség!

-    A könyvtár online katalógusában keressen rá vagy böngésszen olyan fogalomra a tárgyszóban vagy a címben, amely megfelel az Ön által keresett témakörnek. Igyekezzen a témát egy szóban megfogalmazni.
-     Amennyiben a kapott találati lista eredményei között megtalálta, amit keresett könyvtárunk adatbázisában, jelölje ki és nézze meg a mű státuszát. Innen jegyezheti fel a kiadvány helyrajzi számát, amely alapján visszakereshető a dokumentum.
-    Kérjen kutatási engedélyt a keresett muzeális dokumentumokra!
-    Amennyiben megkapta a kutatási engedélyt, a muzeális dokumentumot helyben használhatja: az előzetesen egyeztetett időpontra a könyvtárosok előkészítik a kért anyagot.
-    Amennyiben nem találta meg, amit keresett, a keresőkérdés ellenőrzése, módosítása után próbálja újra a keresést vagy kérjen segítséget a könyvtárostól.

-    A könyvtár online katalógusában keressen rá az ismert adatok alapján a szerzőre, a dokumentum címére.
-    Amennyiben megtalálta, amit keresett könyvtárunk adatbázisában, jelölje ki és nézze meg a mű státuszát. Innen jegyezheti fel a kiadvány helyrajzi számát, amely alapján visszakereshető a dokumentum.
-    Kérjen kutatási engedélyt a keresett muzeális dokumentumokra!
-    Amennyiben megkapta a kutatási engedélyt, a muzeális dokumentumot helyben használhatja: az előzetesen egyeztetett időpontra a könyvtárosok előkészítik a kért anyagot.
-    Amennyiben a dokumentum nem szerepel a könyvtár adatbázisában: nem található meg állományunkban.

About us

The History of the Library of Saint Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological Institute


From the Foundation until the Renovation

Miklós Dudás, diocesan, the founder of the Theological College of (1950) is noted for the idea of establishing a library belonging to the college. At his request the parsons of the parishes offered works with religious content and works of literature, as well as periodicals. Many neglected books of the monks of Máriapócs also enteredgot into the collection. The other important sources of the collection were some complimentary copies, presents from abroad, and legacies, as well as purchased books. A first, the library could be visited in primitive circumstances, in one seminary room. The order and the content of the stock were unexplored, andthe documents were accumulated without any systematization. The task of the library was fulfilled by the current spiritual director of the seminarists. According to the data of 1965, the stock had 8000 volumes of books and 2000 periodicals. The library collected the technical literature of theology, and it could be visited by the tutors and students of the college.


From the Renovation to the Change of the Regime

The bishop dr. Imre Timkó initiated the reconstruction of the diocesan centre, which was done between 1977-1981. As a result of the reconstruction, a new two-storey library capable of housing 50.000 volumes acquiredgot its new place in the western wing of the building complex, on the corner of Gábor Bethlen and Bercsényi streets. The librarians' room was built between the groundfloor store-room and the reading hall, which was in the same place aswith the latter. In the store-room the modern books (from the XIX–XX. centuries) were kept in a mechanic order on adjustable shelf-length stands. The periodicals and old books and manuscripts were put on another floorstorey. From the point of view of the history of culture, these form a are considerable record memories of the XV–XIX. centuries. Dr. Nándor Molnár as a professional librarian started the work of systematization. He was followed by Dr. István Ivancsó. The systematization of the old books was carried out thanks to dr. Judit Csiba Mrs. Czellár and dr. Eszter Ojtozi, colleagues from the library of Lajos Kossuth University, and that of the manuscripts was thanks to dr. Julianna Pandur M., the colleague of the Slavic Philology Department of the University.


From the Change of the Regime until September 2003

The change of the regime opened new prospects for the college and the library as well. There were no more obstacles to getting western technical literature, periodicals containing the latest research andstudies. The national literature of theology boomed, since the state no longer restricted the publications of books and periodicals. According to the data of 1991, the stock of books consisted of 16.000 volumes, supplemented with 50 current periodicals. Readers could learn more about all of them based on an alphabetical catalogue (title, author, subject-heading). In the reading hall, 20 readers could work at the same time. Besides the tutors and students of the college, the services could be used – with permission - by researchers, and others doing scientific work. At that time the library also welcomed theological students whose training was provided by the Greek Catholic Theological College co-operating with György Bessenyei Teacher Training College (College of Nyíregyháza today) from 1992. The managerial work was done by dr. László Orosz. In 1995 at the next stage of institutional development, the Seminary and the Theological College became separated, and the library was maintained by the College. One year later in 1996, - according to the information given to the Library's Minerva – the stock consisted of over 23.000 library units. Then 11 Hungarian and 19 foreign periodicals were subscribed to. The main topic groups (theology, catholic theology) were supplemented by an additional topic group: history of art, due to the fact that a great number of artistic albums and art-publications came out at the time. These are relevant from the point of view of theological education because the decorative art of the catholic church of Byzantine style – with regard to both the icons, and constructive or the objects of arts and crafts- is an integral part of the liturgy.

The basic services of the library were supplemented with bibliography research and photocopying opportunities, even the computer catalogue became accessible for users as well. The new books were systematized with the SRLIB program, and they started to upload the documents explored in a traditional way on the computer. A full-time librarian, a part-time librarian and an honorary librarian provided the continuity of systematization, information, and service. The library was managed by Ferenc Buji that time. Between 1998 and 1999 the managerial tasks of the library were fulfilled by Géza Xeravits, biblical teacher. The library joined the work of the Church Libraries Association (EKE). This association – co-operating with the National Széchenyi Library – provides effective help in obtaining foreign technical books and periodicals.

Since 1 January 2000 the college - and its library fulfilling many tasks – has been officially called Saint Athanase. At that time, more than 30.000 volumes were registered. In the reading hall, 2500 volumes of books and the archives of periodicals were waiting for readers.


From September 2003 until Today

Both the college and the library arrived at a milestone in September 2003. Since then the work has continued in the new building at 13-19. Bethlen Gábor Street. The former cramped conditions were replaced by the grand, large spaces and modern equipment of the stately building. The library covers 600m2 on the second floor. The visitor is welcomed with the sight of aesthetic, properly designed furniture and wall covering in the reading hall. The lending counter, the stock of the open-shelf manuscript room with its 2500 volumes (in ETO order), and the archives of the periodicals offering the latest periodicals can be found here. After its systematization Béla Katona's Krúdy-collection also received its place here. The famous literary historian's thousands of books - containing valuable curiosities of national history and world literature – have increased the stock of the library since September 2004. The legacy was donated to the institution by the widow.

The library aims to meet the challenges of our information society; therefore its technical equipment is continuously enlarging. In the reading hall four computers can be used to explore primarily the electronic catalogue of the library; furthermore word-processing can be done on the other three computers. Also, in the reading hall 12 other computers with internet access were installed, but they can be used only by the full-time students of the Saint Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological College. The gallery-like store-room covering 144 m2 can be found in the northern part of the second floor, which was equipped with fixed metal shelvings.

The placing of the books is done according to their size, with continuous numbering based on the process of the former library system. The stock of periodicals - except for the latest editions – received its place on the gallery. The stock of the library is made up of more than 50.000 volumes of books; as for the languages, 60% are written in Hungarian, 18% in German. Considering other languages, literature written in Italian has entered the library in the largest proportion recently. It is explained by the fact that the college became an affiliated institute of the Pontificial Oriental Institute in 1995. The main topic group has remained unchanged, since then it is the literature of catholic theology that has been collected. Besides the history of art including the issues on oriental church of art, general works and the literature of humanities connected thematically are also collected. The tutors and students' requirements are continuously noted. They can get information about the newly-published works from the catalogues sent by the publishers, and based on it Endre Gánicz, the manager of the library, does the order after consulting with the Staff of Tutors. Besides the purchased books and presents, exchanged works are also important sources of the accession of the stock: 26% of the foreign current periodicals are exchanged copies. The computer register gives information about the whole stock, which can also be available on the net. Since the autumn of 2003 the documents have been systematized with the version SRLIB 3.1. The introduction of the alphabetic card catalogue (author, title) is on at the moment and the content systematization is still in process. The stock is guarded by a security system with cameras.

The topic group of the library is primarily theological, but also includes some related, arts-like scientific works – such as: history, philosophy, linguistics, psychology, ethnography, etc. – as well as works about church art considerably with the art of oriental christanity.

The institute has four considerable special-collections:

One of them is the legacy of Dr. Imre Timkó (1920-1988), professor at the Academy of Techology, diocesan later: about 6000 books and a great deal of manuscripts.
Another is the antiqua-collection which consists of books published before 1850. 55% of them are written in church Latin, 35% in Latin, and the remaining 10% are written in German and Hungarian. The Slavic material has an almost completely a liturgic style. Dr. Eszter Ojtozi and Dr. Julianna Pandur M., colleagues of Lajos Kossuth University of Debrecen, started to systematize them in the 1980s, but they did not manage to finish this work. The systematization of this part of the stock was not done until 2011. Some unique pieces of the antiqua-collection are: the Bible of Osztrog from 1851, of which only a few copies can be found in Hungary, and two copies are kept in the library of the College; another curiosity is the incunabula of Quaestiones in quattuor libros Sententiarum from 1481 which was written by Duns Scotus. Also, a unique document is the Codex of Piricse, a manuscript which can be dated back to the XVI. century.
Other two significant collections from the legacy of Béla Katona are the increasing Krúdy-collection,
and the national historical stock also from him. The famous literary historian's many thousands of books – including valuable works of national history and world literature- have enriched the stock of our library since September 2004. The Krúdy-collection contains - without the demand for totality - the works of fiction of the author Gyula Krúdy, who was born in Nyíregyháza.
The number of services of the library has increased in the new building: besides borrowing, reading locally, photocopying, giving information, and bibliography research, word-processing, printing and scanning have become available. Only registered readers are allowed to borrow books, but the other services can be used by anyone. The Library (and the whole building) is suitable for the disabled. On weekdays it is open from 8:30 to 16:30, and on Saturday, on the correspondent students' consulting day, a librarian is on duty.

The Greek Catholic Theological College made a fruitful relationship with the Library of Lajos Kossuth University (University of Debrecen today, University and National Library). Both partners demanded this relationship. On the one hand, in the library of the college many books are kept, and their systematization needed professional help. On the other hand, the Slavic Philology Department of the University – fitting the national program - aimed to search for and systematize the old publications, and manuscripts written with cyrillic letters. Dr. Eszter Ojtozi, researcher, did some research in order to reconstruct the one-time stock of the monastic library of Máriapócs, and by looking for more books, she got to the only Hungarian Greek Catholic library in Nyíregyháza. Based on the previous arrangements, after clarifying the mutual expectations, on 10 May 1979 in our town, dr. István Csűry, the director of the legal predecessing Institute of the University Library of Debrecen and dr. Imre Timkó, bishop, who represented the Greek Catholic Theological College came to an agreement. The work which started in 1979 was done during two larger periods. Until 1981 the extant old documents in Nyíregyháza were put in an order of the library and catalogued. The books written in Greek, Latin, Hungarian and German were systematized by Mrs. Judit Csiba dr. Czellár, the books written in church Slavic, Polish, Romanian, and Slovakian were systematized by dr. Eszter Ojtozi (both are the colleagues of the University Library), the Slavic manuscripts written with cyrillic letters were systematized by dr. Julianna Pandur M. (the adjunct of the Salvic Philology Department of the University). At the second stage of the work, from 1981 the collection was completed methodically with the old materials found at the parishes of the diocese of Hajdúdorog and Apostolic Governorate of Miskolc.

Dr. Eszter Ojtozi, researcher, and Bertalan Dudás, the vicar of Anarcs, did most of the collecting work by personally visiting the remote, scattered settlements in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Hajdú-Bihar and Szabolcs-Szatmár counties, but some priests also carried books to Nyíregyháza individually. One part of the collected old books and manuscripts remained in good condition, but there were many defective, scanty copies, and often moistness, mould, or fire marked them. During their process of identification, besides the usual data of description, other data about the condition, cover, notes written by hand, and the previous owners were also noted down. Besides the 31 manuscripts 'the catalogued previous stock had 743 volumes in the summer of 1986, the books written in church Slavic with cyrillic letters gave the backbone of the collection.' As with the reconstruction of the diocesan centre, the library was also renewed; it can give a worthy place for this valuable collection from the point of view of the books and cultural and church history. As a result of dr. Eszter Ojtozi's selfless work, the collection enriches not only the town's cultural values, but also it has found its place in international academic circulation. She sent the data of the books written with cyrillic letters before 1700 to Moscow for an international catalogue (The Catalogue of Cyrillic and Glagolitic Old Books). The data of the material from the XVIII. century could be built into the bibliography written in Ukrainian published in Lvov. The collection also contained about 100 defective books that could not be identified with any of the methods by the group of Debrecen, even their basic bibliographic characteristics (title, publisher, etc.) could not be identified. Among these dr. Eszter Ojtozi managed to identify 37 volumes with some help from Lvov and Moscow in 1987. The whole identifying process of this museum-like part of the stock was not finished until 2011.

On Weekdays (M - F): 8.00-16.00

The Library is closed on Church and National Holidays.

Registration can be done only in person, at the lending counter, by filling in and signing the registration form.

The students having valid legal relationship with Saint Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological College, the staff of the college, and the theological students of the College of Nyíregyháza can register in the library unconditionally.

To get your library ticket you need the following:

identity card, address card, passport or residence permit in case of foreign citizens,
filled in registration form
registration fee (500 Ft per 365 days)
Non-members need the written permission of the current rector of the college for registration.

Request for registration – the permission of the rector of Saint Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological College.
By signing the registration form the library user claims that he is aware of the orders of the Regulations, acknowledges and considers them binding on himself, and allows his personal details to be handled by the library.

The library user is required to claim and prove truthfully his:

a) surname and first name, surname and first name at birth
b) place of birth
c) date of birth
d) mother's surname and first name at birth
e) address
d) e-mail address
To prove personal details, the most suitable documents are a valid identity card, driving licence card, passport, residence permit, address card or the old type of identity card.

During registration the library user is asked to give a telephone number which is needed as a detail to help in contacting the user. The library user can refuse to give this detail, or can ask to delete it at any time.

The library is entitled and obliged to handle the library user's details by respecting the current data protection regulations. By registering, the library user allows the library to handle his details.

The details of the user can be handled by the library until the library user claims in writing that he will not use the services of the library in the future (i.e. he ends his library membership). 5 years after the expiration date of the library ticket it must be presumed that the library user intends to end his membership, except if the library user owes the library.

The registered library user is required to inform the library about any changes in his personal details within a maximum of 30 days.

The library issues a library ticket for the registered library user. The library ticket is the property of the user and cannot be transfered to anyone.

The period of validity of the library ticket expires 365 days after being issued according to the statement made by the library user at the registration.

The library user can renew the period of validity of the library ticket personally by proving his personal details needed for registration. The registration fee is 500,- Ft/year.

Before renewing the period of validity of the library ticket, the library user is obliged to return the borrowed and expired library documents and discharge his debts.

Lost library tickets can be replaced in person, after showing the valid document suitable for proving the user's personal details. The replacement fee is 500.-Ft. for each registered user.

Borrowing books

The library makes certain parts of the stock available for borrowing. Borrowing books is free of charge.

Registered library users can borrow at the lending counter.

Library users get a notification about the expiration date of borrowing.

The borrowed documents have to be returned within the time limit, counted from the day of borrowing. Anyone who fails to do this is obliged to pay the charges imposed.

Only registered users with a valid library ticket are allowed to borrow during the opening hours of the library.

The library informs its users about the number and group of books borrowed, and the expiration date of borrowing.

The period of borrowing is 30 days, but for good cause, shorter-longer expiration dates can be given to each user.

Each user can possess maximum 6 borrowed library documents. The expiration date of borrowing can be renewed only once (before it expires), either in person, by phone, by post or e-mail, or on-line via the website. After the expiration of the borrowing period, a fine is imposed. The user has to pay the total postal cost of the notice. In case of loss or damage of the borrowed documents the user is obliged to replace them and – after making an agreement with the library manager – pay compensation for the damage at the market value of the publication.


Fines, the order of Demand for Payment

Fines are imposed for books taken back after the expiration date. The amount of the fine is 10 Ft/piece daily (which increases daily until the fine is paid or the books are taken back + the postal cost of the notification letter). If the user does not receive the notification, it does not exempt him from paying the fine.

It is the user's responsibility to remember and keep the expiration date of borrowing. The library instructs the user to bring the expired documents back (I. letter of formal notice, an e-mail on the first week, II. letter of formal notice by e-mail again, III. letter of formal notice by post + an administrative fee of 150,-Ft); to collect the debt the library may turn to court. The library users having no e-mail address get the letter of formal notice by post. The staff and students of the college have to settle the debts before their legal relationship with the college is over.

Users are not allowed to borrow new books until their fine is settled.

The consequences of not keeping the expiration date occur independently from further circumstances and conditions – especially from the fact of sending and receiving the letter of formal notice of the library.

It is not considered to be a default if the library user was prevented from fulfilling this obligation by any generally known natural event or other inevitable hindrances (vis maior). If the library user fails to keep the expiration date through no fault of his own, he can excuse himself with a verification. The application of verification can be submitted within 15 days from the last day of expiration. If the library user becomes aware of the fact of default later, or the hindrance to returning items ends later, the 15-day expiration date of the application of verification starts from becoming aware of the default, or the end of the hindrance.

The application of verification is judged by the current library manager within 8 days from its submission.


The replacement of lost or damaged books

Lost or damaged documents can be fully replaced by other equivalent copies.

A hard copy of a document fully replaces the original document. The borrower is to bear the cost of copying. If the lost document cannot be replaced, the library is entitled to demand the worth of the document. (15,-Ft/page + 1500 ,-Ft for the fee of covering).

Borrowing renewal

The expiration date of borrowing - if the document is not advance booked or asked for by others - can be renewed maximum once. Renewal can only be made if the user does not owe anything to the library.

Users can renew documents borrowed from the library

  • in person
  • by phone (42-597-600) / extension 310,
  • by an e-mail konyvtar@atanaz.hu or any other electronic addresses of the website of the library,
  • on-line from the website – OPAC, via the Login menu item,
  • by post.

A library document can be renewed if:

  • it has not exceeded the expiration date based on the Regulations of the library, or has not been renewed yet,
  • it is not advance booked,
  • there are no other circumstances against the user that could hinder it (expired registration, debt, etc.).

In case of the problems mentioned above, the long-term renewal is not possible. In this case the librarian should be asked – in person, by phone or e-mail - about the fulfilment of the request for renewal.

Making use of any service requires the number of the library ticket. If the documents borrowed by you are not advance booked, you can ask for the renewal once, for 30 days.

After receiving the request, the librarian renews the expiration date of the documents borrowed by the user then informs the user about the new expiration date of the borrowing, or about the reason for denial of renewal.


Library of Saint Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological Institute

13-19. Bethlen G. Street, H-4400 Nyíregyháza

Postal Address: H-4401 Nyíregyháza, POB. 303.

Tel./Fax: (36) (42) 597-600*, (36) (30) 4400-001

E-mail: library@szentatanaz.hu